CYFYM Minutes 2015

Canadian Young Friends Yearly Meeting Minutes 2015

August 17, 2015

Present: Christina Tellez (co-clerk), Jessica Klaassen-Wright, Rachel Singleton-Polster, Ben Urban Shipley, Mylene DiPenta, Matthew Webb, Misia Robins, David Raymond, Zaley Warkentin, David Summerhays, Rachel Urban Shipley (co-recording clerk), Jonah Egan-Pimblett (co-recording clerk).

Regrets: Angelica Dixon (co-clerk), Stephen Robins.

2015.08. 17. 1 Opening Worship                                                                                                                           We opened with silent worship. The clerk read from the Canadian Yearly Meeting of The Religious Society of Friends Advices and Queries:

Do not assume that vocal ministry is never to be your part. Faithfulness and sincerity in speaking even very briefly, may open the way to fuller ministry from others. When prompted to speak, wait patiently to know that the leading and the time are right, but do not let a sense of your own unworthiness hold you back. Pray that your ministry may arise from deep experience, and trust that words will be given to you. Try to speak audibly and distinctly and with sensitivity to the needs of others. Beware of speaking predictably or too often, and of making additions towards the end of a meeting when it was well left before.

2015.08.17.02 Introductions and agenda review

After rising from the silence, we did a round of introductions. The clerk then gave an introduction to the practice of Meeting for Worship for Business and reviewed the agenda.

2015.08.17.02 Report from the YAF clerk

The YAF clerk reported on her activities for the year, including attendance at Representative Meeting in the fall and Finance Committee meeting in the spring. Representative Meeting in the fall made the difficult decision to not hold Yearly Meeting in 2017, and Spring’s Finance Committee meeting discussed further CYM’s financial difficulties. Christina also attended a conflict resolution workshop in Maine. The YAF clerk noted that tomorrow morning there will be an Extended Meeting for Worship on the future of Quakerism in Canada and invited us to attend.

2015.08.17.03 Naming from the floor

We named positions from the floor: CYFYM epistle committee (Ben Urban Shipley and Misia Robins); a representative to the CYM epistle committee (Rachel Urban Shipley); and a reapresentative to the correspondence committee (Matthew Webb).

2015.08.17.04 Nominations

Misia Robins from Nominating Committee brought forward the names of David Summerhays and Carol Leigh Weighking as listeners for the week. We approved these names. Misia reviewed CYFYM’s positions and introduced the list of open positions: Young Friend clerk, co-recording clerk, two nominating committee members, Education and Outreach representative, webminder/Publications and Communications representative, Canadian Friends Service Committee representative, Program Committee representative, and Records Committee representative.

2015.08.17. 05 Gathering in 2017 (Result of Threshing Session)

CYFYM would like to move forward with the idea of holding a YF YAF retreat at Camp NeeKauNis in 2017. This gathering would likely start on the Thursday or Friday before FGC (which starts on a Sunday), and youth would be invited to travel to FGC together. To carry this idea forward, we have formed an ad hoc committee, consisting of Rachel Singleton-Polster (representing CFSC), Jessica Klaassen-Wright (representing Education and Outreach and FGC), Misia Robins (representing NeeKauNis), the YF-YAF co-clerks, David Summerhays (representing the Food Co-op), and the Young Friend Program Committee Representative. We welcome and rely on the support of CYM committees to help with the logistical and financial details of this retreat and attendance at FGC. 

2015.08.17. 06 We closed with worship


August 20, 2015

Present: Christina Tellez (co-clerk), Jessica Klaassen-Wright, Ben Urban Shipley, Peter Stevenson, Misia Robins, David Summerhays, Rachel Urban Shipley (co-recording clerk), Jonah Egan-Pimblett (co-recording clerk).

2015.08.20.01 Opening Worship

2015.08.20.02 Agenda Review

2015.08.20.03 Report back from August 20, 2015 CYM MFWFB 

Christina Tellez recounted her experience of what happened this morning at CYM MFWFB regarding CYFYM’s minute for their proposed 2017 gathering. It was received with enthusiasm. CYM has committed their support for this gathering. Representative meeting will meet nearby to foster a sense of community among Canadian Friends.

2015.08.20.04 Reports

No reports have been handed in, but will be shared online and included in the minutes at a later date.

2015.08.20.05 Proposed change to Sporadical

We ask the current Sporadical Editors to shift their presence towards an online blog. We explored the pros and cons to this new format. We have been in communication with the current Sporadical Editors, and have ensured lines of support for a smooth transition. Jessica Klaassen-Wright has offered to support them in her capacity as E&O committee member. The Clerks will also direct them to Publications and Communications Committee for support. 

2015.08.20.06 Nominations

Misia Robins brought names to the floor for the following positions. These names were approved. The current Nominating Committee will continue to discern regarding the position of YF clerk, and will bring a suggestions to the clerks. 

Nominations Committee – Daniel von Schulmann Van Island MM

Listener – David Summerhays Montreal MM

E&O – Vale Abbott Limbo

Program committee – Jonah Egan-Pimblett Saskatoon MM

YF Clerk – ~

Co-recording Clerk – Thomasin Cooper (Subject To Consent)

Archives Committee – Adrian ?-? (Subject To Consent)

PubCom – Shaun Bartoo (Subject To Consent)

CFSC Rep – Rosie Coots (Subject To Consent)

2015.08.20.07 FWCC World Plenary in Peru

Christina Tellez’s name was brought forward as a representative to the FWCC gathering in Peru. Travel costs will be minimal due to her studying in Bolivia at the time, she feels the way has opened reinforcing her desire to attend this gathering. We ask Christina to report back to CYFYM and CYM on her return. We have allocated $500 in support for her travels. We ask CYM to appoint Christina as one of their delegates.

2015.08.20.08We closed with worship.