CYM 2012 – Camrose, AB – Sunday Morning

I notice that, as I write about Sunday at CYM this year, it is already Tuesday morning.  As can be common at CYM, reconnecting with f/Friends, events, new reasons to meet for conversation begin to fill the time available, and I’m reminded of the caution that we don’t have to do everything while we’re here, that choices for self-care will be important.  I’m grateful that I rose early this morning and have some quiet time to write – we were warned yesterday that the water in the residence building will be shut off from 7:00 – 8:00 am, so an early shower seemed advisable.

Sunday morning, I was blessed to be able to be with those who are at CYM in session for the first time.  I felt grateful too, for those seasoned Friends who showed up to sit with us.  More hearts and minds to answer questions…more faces to be familiar, more Friends to connect with during the rest of the week.  In addition to answering ‘burning questions’ that first-timers offered, we spent some time untangling the sometimes confusing web that is CYM.  It was the first chance I had to try out a ‘big picture’ I’ve been working with.  (You can check it out here for yourself)

Later that morning, when we all gathered for the first time in Worship, and I settled in, calling up images of those Friends who are not here this year, I was aware again of the capacity we now have to share this week with Friends across Canada through the ‘interwebs’.  I’m looking forward to the quiet times when I’ll be able to do this with words, photos, and perhaps video, and in offering Friends elsewhere this glimpse, I feel closer to them…to you.

During Meeting for Worship with Attention to Business when, as is our custom through Quaker history, we heard of births, marriages, deaths, new members, – I noticed how long was the list of those who had died and was again aware that our numbers are not growing and that we are an aging community.  I trust that the energy of the young adult Friends and young Friends who are here this week will nudge, prod and encourage us all , as we experience again that intense week that is CYM in session – so many possibilities for Spirit to move among us.

You can find some of Bruce Dienes’ first photos of the week here.