What is Quaker worship like?
A Quaker service begins whenever the first person enters and ends when a designated greeter or elder shakes the hand of the person beside them, usually around an hour later. In between there is silence, only broken when someone feels inspired to speak. The traditional Quaker view is that this inspiration comes from the Light or Spirit (of God), though there is now some diversity in how Quakers might understand or describe this.
What is it like to experience Quaker worship? Well, take a journey with us. It is early fall in a Canadian small town. Someone later writes about the experience…
At first I am most aware of the beauty of this place. The warmth and sunshine of a glorious fall day; the dappled shade, the rustle of leaves, neighbours discussing their gardens….gradually the silence deepens.
The spell has broken. My first Quaker Meeting for Worship is over.
Of course, not every Quaker Meeting is just like this. They are often indoors in a rented space or at a Meeting House, but for many people the emotional impact of that first experience was similar, and has stayed with them.
If you’re intrigued, you can visit Find a Quaker Meeting to locate a meeting near you.
Quakers strive to conduct their business out of a place of deep listening and connection with the divine as well, so those meetings are called Meeting for Worship for Business.